Community Badges

Badges are issued automatically if the conditions are met, or by the administration. Available to authors and buyers. Some badges give special abilities!

Badge of administrators and senior support officials
Pro Author
Given for high-quality projects
Bonus Auto-approval of new projects
New Site Researcher
Given to the first 50 registered users on our new website
Exclusive Content Maker
Given if the author has more than 5 exclusive items
Unique Content
Given for unique items in the portfolio
Bonus One project will be added as marketplace header (for 2 weeks)
Hardworking Author
Given if the author has uploaded more than 20 items in a month
Diamond Collector
Given for collecting more than 20 items in favorites
Patron of the Arts
Given for the purchase of more than 30 items
Subscription Baron
Given for subscription renewal for more than 3 months
The Power of Popularity
Given for holding popularity for more than two weeks
Given for the help related to bugs found / fraud prevention
Promotion Wizard
Given for attracting more than 100 new customers to the site
Professional Storyteller
Given for writing more than 50 articles / tutorials